Primary School Groups
Unicorn’s Horn: A Rhyme Time Language Enrichment Group
Unicorn's Horn is designed for pupils in school nursery and reception classes who have language delays.
It’s a session for adults and children that’s full of fun, singing, and turn-taking activities which are carefully designed to help you find and support speech and language needs as early as possible.
It’s also a space where younger pupils can listen, sing, enjoy socialising, and build their confidence!
Tiny Communicators can host the eight-week group in your setting at a time that suits you, or we can show your staff how to run it themselves.
Teaching staff learn all about how language develop in children aged 3-5 yrs. old. and how to help pupils build their language and reading skills.
Activities are built around what each pupil is interested in and what motivates them to learn. You’ll discover how and when pupils communicate best, strengthening your bond with them. Pupils develop all sorts of vital language skills, including speech rhythms, different sounds, new vocabulary, gross motor skills, counting and shapes, words for emotions, essential social skills, and more.
And all of this happens in a playful, joyful learning environment!
Pegasus: A Language Foundation Skills Group
Pupils who have longer-term speech, language, and communication needs. This includes children who may have a developmental language disorder. Many will be on a waiting list for specialist therapy.
Pegasus is a smaller language group, designed to address the specific needs of children with a longer-term language difficulty.
In a gentle, encouraging, playful way, we help children build skills which are critical to engage with the world:
Overcome their difficulties listening, processing, and understanding language, so they can pay attention and focus for longer.
Grasp meaning, so they can follow instructions, stay on-topic, respond to questions, remember explanations, and learn new words.
Talk and communicate, using the correct word order in a sentence, telling a simple story, and building a secure word retrieval.
Not only do pupils have lots of fun, the skills they learn in Pegasus help them in many other aspects of their lives too.
They’ll find it easier to form friendships and interact with peers, boosting their social-emotional wellbeing.
With a better working memory, literacy skills, reading comprehension, and written expression, they’re more likely to achieve academic milestones.
And strong social and academic skills will give them better employment prospects in later life.